jeudi 31 décembre 2009



This Special FREE Book " SUCCESS & HAPPINESS "with the Best Informations is the Most Beautiful Gift in the World offer to the Humanity,for
Peace & Nature Lover (Environment Protection).

'' Growing a Tree for Future Generation is Charitable Action for Positive Thoughts , Open Mind,Cultivate & Civilized ''.

" Culture & History are the most Great Treasure that we possess .I write about all what is benefic to the Humanity & Earth ".



Love- Health – Energy – Power - Money - Peace

Culture – Science- Wisdoms – Proverbs
Creativity – Art

Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

World Scientific Author & Creative Artist
Green Peace Member

Quality ... Content … Innovation ...


* Mind and time are the important things in life *



All rights reserved to the Author
Copyright © sat creations


We are very happy to place this useful book
" Success & Happiness " which is indeed a treasure of various sciences and experiences of many doctors and searchers around the world.
We trust that the book ((success and happiness)) to the readers will find all the appreciation for the efforts of the writer for publication.

*There is who looking for happiness ...
And there is who make happiness …*

Make Your happiness

We all dream of happiness only dreaming ... And waiting ... As a gift donate and the strange thing is that most of us live life on the margin of life monotonous, moving in machine, and do not allow any thing, killing us stress, tension, anxiety, hesitation, deprivation ...
Because we surrender in to any ideas and traditions inherited and in spite of that, down by the Sultan and power you find us a call us a sense, between the killer and the excessive make you sinful human beings, we humans are not angels and demons of hate that we did not spoil the joy of our lives and our souls life accessible to everyone, they do not bring from the sea.
We all seek happiness, but happiness does not stem only from within us

"As a general rule the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information."
Doctor D. Benjamin

First English Minister Emerson Ralph said :
"If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mousetrap, than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door."


"In this world ... Make your luck by your self."


Known that we all have personal goals seek to achieve in life, whether material or moral, although the greatest battles of life of those served by the rights in the battle with himself. We human beings live lives of oppression ... Movement ... Where the pace ... especially in this time of speed and information.
When you think about this deep question, aware and when you think of yourself, you understand that you have the ability to change the ideas, feelings, behavior and changing relationships and objectives. We can control in these matters, many people do not understand this, but it happens to fail, they are not thinking about their feelings or their relationships or even do not think the understanding of these issues already imagine that it imposed on them obligatory. In that the writer says, and follows Julie:

"You need one minute to change your life."

Therefore, we will identify the new flag can help you in your daily life to success and happiness.
Neuro Linguistic Programming is the study of human excellence is the ability ... and everything in your effort to make more and more ... It is great and the scientific method that lead to personal change ... A new technology of achievement.
The convenience of the heart, pleasure and the disappearance of worries and anguishes, is what is required for each one, get the good life are pleased and delighted, therefore, natural causes, and practical reasons.
Start your day positively and good feelings that the programming of your mind and not conscious. Take a deep breath and read the positive messages:
- I smile easily ...
- I am a great listener ...
- I love people and I build beatnik with them ...
- I love my self without any chain and condition ...
- I am a man of excellent communication ...
- My case is getting better and better day after day in all respects.
- I can control my emotions easily.
- my memory is strong.
- I can refrain from smoking.
- I can I can reduce my weight
- I'm active and I have high energy.
- I believe in myself and capability to succeed.
Make a note of these assurances and read it every day and you'll see the results ...
Your outlook on life ...
What do you want?
Why I do not change?
Why I acted like this?
Am I happy?

* Who I am ? *

What do you want? (Not now) think a little after ten years, 15 years ,20 years ...
Do you find yourself goodwill or you would prefer to be better than this situation . If you prefer, why not change?
Are there any comportments that you exercise and you hate to do it every time?
The deeper question, which asked everyone him self when he is alone ... Am I happy?
What it the thing which the human is searching for in the end?
Looking for happiness?
A person may have all the needs of the potential physical, buildings, factories, cars, etc. ...
But is he happy?
When you are alone do you feel satisfaction or sadness?
There is an American author Who wrote a book of the 7 volumes of the phenomenon of suicide of course, the suicide person arrives to the bottom of despair and lost hope in everything. The author of this book has suicide himself because the matter or subject is not only the matter of science.
Person did not know which way, it is a matter bigger than science, it is a feeling cause, matter wish ,moving human behavior.
Most people are busy with drum of life day after day, awhile after awhile, there are people who live the life of the worst than the routine life.
We Born ... Study… graduating from the university or college, and then employ then get married, aggrandize children…have beautiful house and then die ...
Who are you?
What is the goal in your life?
Meaning you !
At the moment trying to be another person you lose the base to the success. At the moment trying to be another person you lose the base to the success. And become at the in the margin of life. Can not succeed if only you understanding a great thing ...

Know your self and your
When the person knows his self and know his capabilities…here he has done the first step the the first serious step towards a real, sincere success ...

Independence self
Could be a group which you love who govern your track in life. So still anchor to the other people no one can ripen only if removing from dependence of others to independence self and all this long gradation at ambit backward to the success.
There real success doesn't comes like this ,but when you go to a third phase.
Reliance Alternate
* We *
all different study advert to cardinal principle that human don’t success alone. Every young person wants to drive the life road alone with his mind and his barely.
In this collective life we understand that we are in need …with consciousness and clear comprehension.
You need me and i need you
Some times you need who is younger than you.The problem of the human who arrive to the self independence sometimes they will arrive to the bighead self . Bighead which make the person do not need any one and this is the acme of flabbiness.
The top of ripen that we know that we are cathartic at we are born and you have got power not like others and the opposite is correct if i ask my son or my employees about some thing that I don’t know and the dangerous thing that i demonstrate of knowledge .
Let us thinking in this meaning in other configuration…
Abstract the word and what I want access that I say be accountable.

* TheResponsibility *
We do and say what is dialectic. It will happen situations which touch you and your feelings and your breasts and you become sad but the acme of responsibility that the person differentiate between what it happens to him and what he is doing, think about this meaning with a deep configuration …

We are responsible of our life and our comportment. When i conduct with a finder demarche, i decided to conduct with that finder method. The man who strike the table is consequence of being angry, there is no person force him to act with this manner,normaly he must be cool and calm his self little bit …
yes, it must be feelings in this moment or it will be the feelings dissident of conation .do not change your feelings but your performance.

Patience is in first shock
Being sad is normal, it is normal being in sadness but how to act after did we act like irresponsible person?
We act another act ,we are the decider .

Independence is to do what you want there is no one who
condition you and when we say that it have a global meaning no one overrule you like a father,mother,husband,wife and chief …but is the liberty with this absolute configuration?
Human find that damaging, therefore people abhorrence of their beliefs or intellective or political protocols and they put to this elbowroom laws and roots.
The true liberty
Human roots changes and susceptive to the deviation and injustice .try to arrive to a point of liberty which you do a balance between principles and you want sometimes
We have the liberty of choice ,we are different from animals, mountains…
We decide what we want
We decide what we do
We decide what we believe
We decide
the loyal profound freedom choice is going from the source of apprehension self from conscience and independent backbone, this is the bases of success learn to your children those meanings ,learn them to understand them selves ,what is their capacities ,learn them their essentials and ethics which they getaway from to dealing with humans.
Learn them how to understand the life and their acts do not bend to feelings and sensation. Sometimes it happens fatality that you want to suicide but you can control in your behavior this is the Principe of life's start .You can act what you want down your feelings oblige you to act in different way.
You can choice your life.
This is the original doctrine which bolt from it the fundamental success. People live in two phases.
There are people who live by negative thoughts and positive thoughts.
Positive thoughts always say
I can change…
I control my feelings …
We look for alternate…
Let us thinking…search for a new solutions
Say always I can !
Speak about future

Every one has got attention area
Science & knowledge

Every person has got clout area and interests area ,so clout area are the things that you can conduct to do any thing toward ,interests area are things that you care about it.
Positive thoughts ask him self .
…well, there are problems but all societies have got problems.

Accomplishment with self
Understand your self, to be actionable to understand that you are different from your feelings and you can change your life is between your hands not in others . speech about relations, how to dealing there are many people who try to actuate people around him,
Employees, children with materiality diction, some people see gain money is the objective in life.
Do you want to be like this, sure no
Do you want that your kids will be like this too, money will be the engine and the life's objective.
You can make a human working with money ,but can you buy his heart? Can you bye his mind? Surely no
Condensation the catalysis is not possible so, what is alternative ?
The alternative is from the interior.
To let the person catalyses him self.
Love with out any condition .Don't make a price for love and do not love silence cause for mistakes. calculated here is the relations with your children, wife with friends too…
Love must be authentic proceed from heart.

The 10 success keys

Without motives you do not have any desire to do anything. you will have more heartiness and more energy when you have psychological impulses and motives.

The power of our desires control our automotives so in our actions .
Denis witly

The secret success is motives and the motives come from your burning desire ,there is no one can stop you when you have got burning desire to the success.

Second Key
Your energy will be higher when you are in higher enthusiasm degree because the motives give you energy. I show you the best ways to have augmentation of energy with earnest efficacious.

Physical Energy

The breathing, sport and regime alimentation.
The energy generated by the large physical breathing and breathing properly cleans the body system effectively
15 times more than the usual way. Dr. Weber who quotient the Nobel award in physiology of cells:
The oxygen is necessary for the formation of healthy cells, and the quality of life which you live appoint the quality of your body cells.
So, live healthy life intact and to generate a large amount of energy must be careful to provide your body the maximum amount of oxygen.

There is a method which purify the blood cells of any impurities witch could cause called the blockage evacuation breathing, to access you have to those simple steps:
1 - Fill your lungs with air inhale from nose count until 4.
2 - Keep the air in the body, even counting 10.
3 - slowly ... empty the air from the mouth until the 5 count.

Generation Breathing
1 - inhaled from the nose and count to 4.
2 - empty the air from mouth, even counting till 4 like you putting out a candle.
3 - Do this exercise 10 times.

You can note the high degree of energy and you have to practice the exercise of the special breathing 3 times a day in the morning, at mid-day and evening to generate energy.

2 - Food (healthy food)

Whip vegetables, fruits and juices your body contains more than 80 percent of the water.

3 – Sports

practice sports as walk and swimming do exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles, bosom and arms.

Energy Mental
You generate very high energy when you have a specific goal that you want to achieve, intension and definition of goals are the primary source of mental energy.

write your goals and assured you that you can achieve your goals and you should codify these averment and read every day it will advance your level of mental energy.

Emotional Energy

sit in a quiet place ...
Breathing quietly ... And a sense of the process of respiration… imagine your body flying in the air, up and down… with process respiration and think about some one you love at the same time you will feel calm with emotional energy.

Avoid the Energy Thieves
The digestion operation ( avoid eating a fatty meal and going to sleep immediately after).
Negative persons and permanent complaint.
Smoking and addiction to coffee and tea.

* If you plane and arrange you will have capacities to remove mountains *

Third key

Jim Ron says:
*The search for knowledge is one of the plans to reach the happiness and prosperity. *

According to Francis Bacon:
* Knowledge is power in itself. *
* With knowledge your intelligence degree and dehisce your mind
Whenever the knowledge is abound people come to ask you how to find solutions and advice. *

key Fourth

* Imagination is the beginning of innovation. *

George Bernadashow

* Imagination compose the world. *

* What you can dream of it can be achieved. *

* Imagination is more important than knowledge. *
Francis Bacon

* Mind and time are the important things in life. *


* There are thoughts which die ... *


* The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your thoughts you personally. *
Dr. Robert Solar

* If you can dream in mind the composition and planted in your heart, did not let the opportunity to doubts to abate, it is possible that your dream becomes a reality which change your life. *
Willy Jolly

The future will be to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
Eleanor Roosevelt

success is not key of happiness. And happiness is the key to success. If love what you do will be successful.

Albert fisher

* Before writing, think ... Before you speak , listen ... and before you lose, win ... to judge , wait ... and before leaving, try ... *
Said Ahmed Taibi

* Do not dream small dreams, they do not have the force to push the people. *


* I want to do it because I want. *
Amelia Arhart

Knowledge alone is not sufficient, it must be accompanied by the application ... And a willingness alone is not enough must work.


Without knowledge of implementation that can lead to failure and frustration

Ron C.
sublime man in modesty in his
speech, and do much

As you believe to the idea in your mind ... do it immediately ! Do not ever countermarch! Never ! Never !!!

* Fear is the principal enemy of the human and the first obstacle that prevents people to act to achieve their dreams.*

Life is an adventure or nothing.

Claire Hellen

In Programming language we say:
There is no failure, but there is only the experience of
Do not bother of failure, but first you should worry about the opportunities that are lost when you do not even try to test.


If you fill down seven times get up in the in the eighth
Japanese wisdom

The right decision comes after the experience of bad decision.
Chinese wisdom

Philosophy of discipline are:
To act without a plan is every reason to frustration.
Dr. Robert Scholar author of the successful possibilities Said:
Will never succeed if it does not start does not begin to make any problem to be an argument for inaction.



*After the storm sun rises … brilliance comes always eftre the darkness, and winter change to summer. *

Metaphysic science
Every thing that you await with complete trust will quite happen in your life.

We are now in where our thoughts bring us .. We will be where our thoughts take us .
Alan James
Mind is like magnetic attract the people , attitudes and circumstances of cases of similar ideas.
In the book * Joy of Work * wilis denis said:
Negative expectations result a bad luck ..

People sometimes fail, not because of lack of capacity, but because of the lack of commitment.
Zig Zillar

Struggled to the last time in your life.
William Shakespeare
Dr. Robert Schuler said in his book the power of ideas:
I am short and start your effort and a small but significant level of thinking, you go through the consequences, and all you have invested, and were always ready to act, and obstacles to expect, but does not allow them to ban you to progress.

Successful people never go back and fall person do not successful .
Old Proverb
You already have all things necessary to become great!
Smile …there is some one with you,who loves you and think about you …do not despair try again…

Flexibility is the control ,person who is the most flexible in the way of things, his control will bigger towards things.

Many cases of failure in life was people did not realize how close they were to success when they surrender
Thomas Edison

Usually do not ultimately be the last key in a keyboard is appropriate to open the door.
Thomas Vincent

Patience is the cure of problems, solicitude and worries, do not think a lot…

What you place in your head, whether negative or positive you will gain in the end.
Dr. Helmsttr

Watch your thoughts because they will become acts;
Watch your Actions they become habits;
Watch your habits they become nature;
Monitored because it will determine Your habit.
Frank Otto


* As you believe to the idea in your mind ... do it immediately ! Do not ever countermarch! Never ! *

* Fear is the principal enemy of the human and the first
obstacle that prevents people to act to achieve their dreams.*

* Mind and Time are the important things in life.*


Words which enter to the
Heart & Mind
Do all what makes you happy. Now.
We grow old filled with regrets,
For love not shown,
For words not said,
For dreams not completed,
For things not done,
Give much. Fill your life with love.
Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry.
Think of others,
Walk in nature,
Plant a tree and tell me what do you feel.
Live a simple life…
I invite you to

To be continued …

Welcome to you, to your messages and your ideas.
Mr. S.A.Taibi

For the benifict of all aroud the world,
Please,send to your friends.

Thank you !